Thursday, October 27, 2011

Post 13: First Day After Surgery

Today was Meredith's first full day after surgery. Thankfully the morning started out on a high note, they removed her NG tube. It is a tube that goes through her nose and into her stomach and caused her quite a bit of discomfort. At this point she has not had any thing to drink since Sunday, her mouth is really dry and we have a little sponge on a stick to wet her mouth. Even with the tube removed they said she should not drink anything until her stomach "wakes up". To help with that process a physical therapist stopped by and encouraged us to get moving. Meredith was able to get up and sit in her chair for a little while and later in the day we walked her down the hall. It worked like a charm! Over the night she started "producing" so tomorrow she should be able to drink and start a clear liquid diet.

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